sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

[Twitter] 110316 Junho’s Twitter Update [1-Post]

기사를봤는데 방사능물질이 바람을타고 한국으로넘어온다는 말들은 루머라고합니다 가능성이 거희 희박하다고 기사가났네요 분명조심해서.나쁠건없지만.너무 심하게 걱정하실 필요까진 없을꺼같아요 위험하니조심하라는발표가 날때까진 걱정은조금만줄이시고 일본을위해기도해줍시다.
"Vi el reporte, el material radioactivo que se extenderá salvajemente e irá a Corea es solo un rumor. Esto es posiblemente diferente en el artículo. Incluso si pensamos que no hay nada malo, tienen que cuidarse, es algo importante y yo creo que no hay nada para lo que haya que estar preocupado. Por favor cuídense mientras esperamos por una declaración. Rezaré por Japón"
"I have watched the report, the radioactive material that will spread in wild and go to Korea is just a rumor. It is possibly unlike in the article. Even though there is nothing bad but taking care of yourself is important and I think there is nothing should to be worried. Please take care of yourself while waiting for an announcement. I will pray for Japan."

(Posted at 02:28 KST via Android)
Source: Kim Junho’s Twitter [@iamzunoya]
Translated by Jake@iCassieFamily
Shared and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
Trans/sp: ZUNO! Lovers!
Please take out with Full Credits, thank you.

Que lindo lo que dice JunHito :) Rezará por Japón~ al igual que todos ^^ Cute Zunooo~!

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