sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

[Twitter] 110314 Junho's cute Twitter Updates [4-Posts]

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일본말로 글을 쓸수가 없어서.ㅜㅜ한글로 써도 알아 봐주실 분들 많이 계실꺼에요!!ㅎ 지금 일본이 계속 힘든일이 생겨서 많은 분들이 걱정도 많이되고 속상하실꺼같아요 빠른 시일 내에 다시 행복하게 웃을 수 있는 날이 왔으면 좋겠습니다 힘내세요!!

"No puedo escribir ningún mensaje en japonés TT. Entonces lo escribí en koreano y espero que lo puedan entender! Heh~ Ahora, Japón está muy cansado, mucha gente está preocupada y molesta. Sería bueno si todo vuelve a la normalidad rápido, así la gente puede ser feliz y sonreír de nuevo. Fighting!"
"I can not write any message in Japanese. TT Then I write it in Korean and (hope)many people can understand it! Heh~ Now, Japan is very tired (according to the disaster) so many people are worried and upset. It is good if everything becomes normal quickly so people can be happy and smile again. Fighting!!"

(Posted at 13:42 KST via iPhone)
순수하신분들만 사탕으로 보였을꺼에요^^ㅋㅋㅋ 사탕 못 받으신분들 힘내시고 웃으세요!! 더 큰행복이 곧 올겁니다!!^^

"Les mostraré los dulces sólo a las personas que son inocentes^^ kekeke~ Incluso si no puedo mandárselo a todos, pero espero que todos puedan animarse y sonreír!! Más felicidad vendrá!! ^^"
"I will show the candy to the people who are innocent only^^ kekeke~ Even if I can not sent it to everyone but I hope everyone will be cheering up and smile!! More happiness will come!!^^"

(Posted at 13:27 KST via iPhone)
사탕못받으신분들~이렇게나마 드립니다. 사탕이라고 상상해주세요^^ㅎ
 "Todos los que no recibieron un dulce~ Porfavor imaginen que eso (lo que está en la foto) es un dulce.^^ Heh"

"Everyone who does not receive a candy~ Please imagine that (what is in the photo) is candy. ^^ Heh~"

(Posted at 13:20 KST via iPhone)
오늘은 화이트데이네요~사탕은많이받으셨나요?^^행복한화이트데이 되세요!ㅎ

"Hoy es el Día Blanco~ Han recibido muchos dulces?^^ Porfavor sean felices en el Día Blanco! heh~"
"Today is White Day~ Have you received many candies?^^ Please be happy in White Day! Heh~"

(Posted at 12:39 KST via iPhone)
Source: Kim Junho’s Twitter [@iamzunoya]
Translated by Jake@iCassieFamily
Shared and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
Please take out with Full Credits, thank you.

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