Finally, tomorrow is the last performance of Tears of Heaven that Junsu has tried to work on it. I think it wont be like when I went to watch the first performance.. Heh~ Will the last performance tomorrow be enjoyable(like the first performance)? So I will go to watch the last performance tomorrow. I am looking forward to the special of Junsu’s last performance!! (Or maybe I would not… Heh~) Fighting senior!!^^
내일이 드디어 준수가 정말고생했던 천국의눈물 막공이네요. 첫공연구경갔을때가 얼마안된거같은데 벌써.. .ㅎ 내일 막공 재미있겠죠? 그래서 내일 막공보러갑니다 준수가 막공 스페셜 애드립을할꺼라고기대하며!!(안하려나…ㅎ)화이팅 선배님!!^^
Finally, tomorrow is the last performance of Tears of Heaven that Junsu has tried to work on it. I think it wont be like when I went to watch the first performance.. Heh~ Will the last performance tomorrow be enjoyable(like the first performance)? So I will go to watch the last performance tomorrow. I am looking forward to the special of Junsu’s last performance!! (Or maybe I would not… Heh~) Fighting senior!!^^
내일이 드디어 준수가 정말고생했던 천국의눈물 막공이네요. 첫공연구경갔을때가 얼마안된거같은데 벌써.. .ㅎ 내일 막공 재미있겠죠? 그래서 내일 막공보러갑니다 준수가 막공 스페셜 애드립을할꺼라고기대하며!!(안하려나…ㅎ)화이팅 선배님!!^^
(Posted at 19:11 KST via Android)
The exercise ended and i am going back to home. If I did not have spirit, I would have not exercised for 3 hours.. There were many people today TT My body feels tingling. However, about my body is worth. Before this, I want to take a rest but if I do exercise my body will be rewarded!! Eating is one of my hobby and I am tired to diet now hehe~
운동끝나고 집에돌아왔다 정신없이하다보니 어느새 3시간이나해버렸네. . 오늘너무무리했군ㅜㅜ 온몸이 다 쑤시지만 그래도 보람있는게 운동이다 하기전엔 쉬고싶지만 하고나면 보람찬 운동!!먹는게 취미중하나인나로선 다이어트 힘들구나 ㅎㅎ
The exercise ended and i am going back to home. If I did not have spirit, I would have not exercised for 3 hours.. There were many people today TT My body feels tingling. However, about my body is worth. Before this, I want to take a rest but if I do exercise my body will be rewarded!! Eating is one of my hobby and I am tired to diet now hehe~
운동끝나고 집에돌아왔다 정신없이하다보니 어느새 3시간이나해버렸네. . 오늘너무무리했군ㅜㅜ 온몸이 다 쑤시지만 그래도 보람있는게 운동이다 하기전엔 쉬고싶지만 하고나면 보람찬 운동!!먹는게 취미중하나인나로선 다이어트 힘들구나 ㅎㅎ
(Posted at 18:37 KST via Android)

Source: Kim Junho’s Twitter [@iamzunoya]
Translated by Jake@iCassieFamily
Shared and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
Translated by Jake@iCassieFamily
Shared and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
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