sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

[Twitter] 110318 Junho’s Twitter Updates [2-Posts]

Finally, tomorrow is the last performance of Tears of Heaven that Junsu has tried to work on it. I think it wont be like when I went to watch the first performance.. Heh~ Will the last performance tomorrow be enjoyable(like the first performance)? So I will go to watch the last performance tomorrow. I am looking forward to the special of Junsu’s last performance!! (Or maybe I would not… Heh~) Fighting senior!!^^
내일이 드디어 준수가 정말고생했던 천국의눈물 막공이네요. 첫공연구경갔을때가 얼마안된거같은데 벌써.. .ㅎ 내일 막공 재미있겠죠? 그래서 내일 막공보러갑니다 준수가 막공 스페셜 애드립을할꺼라고기대하며!!(안하려나…ㅎ)화이팅 선배님!!^^
(Posted at 19:11 KST via Android)
The exercise ended and i am going back to home. If I did not have spirit, I would have not exercised for 3 hours.. There were many people today TT My body feels tingling. However, about my body is worth. Before this, I want to take a rest but if I do exercise my body will be rewarded!! Eating is one of my hobby and I am tired to diet now hehe~
운동끝나고 집에돌아왔다 정신없이하다보니 어느새 3시간이나해버렸네. . 오늘너무무리했군ㅜㅜ 온몸이 다 쑤시지만 그래도 보람있는게 운동이다 하기전엔 쉬고싶지만 하고나면 보람찬 운동!!먹는게 취미중하나인나로선 다이어트 힘들구나 ㅎㅎ
(Posted at 18:37 KST via Android)
Source: Kim Junho’s Twitter [@iamzunoya]
Translated by Jake@iCassieFamily
Shared and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
Please take out with Full Credits, thank you.

[Twitter]110317 Junho’s Twitter Update [1-Post]

일본팬분들~제 일본팬클럽사이트가 닫혔다고 이번지진때문에 일본안오냐고말씀하시는분들이많이계신데요 그런거아니니까 너무 걱정마세요^^ 사이트문제는 상황이 조금문제가있어서 잠깐닫힌거같아요. (일본분들힘내세요 화이팅입니다!!)
"A todos los fans japoneses~ Cerraré el sitio del fanclub debido a este terremoto, mucha gente no puede escribir el mensaje. Entonces, no se preocupen^^ Y el sitio ha tenido algunos problemas así que creo que lo cerraré por un tiempo. (Animen a todos los japoneses! Fighting!!)"
"To all of the Japanese fans~ I will close fanclub’s site due to this earthquake, many people can not write the message. So, do not worry ^^ And the site has got some problem so I think I will close it for awhile. (Cheer up to all Japanese, Fighting!!)"

(Posted at 20:42 KST via Android)
Source: Kim Junho’s Twitter [@iamzunoya]
Translated by Jake@iCassieFamily
Shared and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
Trans/sp: ZUNO! Lovers!
Please take out with Full Credits, thank you.

[Twitter] 110316 Junho’s Twitter Update [1-Post]

기사를봤는데 방사능물질이 바람을타고 한국으로넘어온다는 말들은 루머라고합니다 가능성이 거희 희박하다고 기사가났네요 분명조심해서.나쁠건없지만.너무 심하게 걱정하실 필요까진 없을꺼같아요 위험하니조심하라는발표가 날때까진 걱정은조금만줄이시고 일본을위해기도해줍시다.
"Vi el reporte, el material radioactivo que se extenderá salvajemente e irá a Corea es solo un rumor. Esto es posiblemente diferente en el artículo. Incluso si pensamos que no hay nada malo, tienen que cuidarse, es algo importante y yo creo que no hay nada para lo que haya que estar preocupado. Por favor cuídense mientras esperamos por una declaración. Rezaré por Japón"
"I have watched the report, the radioactive material that will spread in wild and go to Korea is just a rumor. It is possibly unlike in the article. Even though there is nothing bad but taking care of yourself is important and I think there is nothing should to be worried. Please take care of yourself while waiting for an announcement. I will pray for Japan."

(Posted at 02:28 KST via Android)
Source: Kim Junho’s Twitter [@iamzunoya]
Translated by Jake@iCassieFamily
Shared and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
Trans/sp: ZUNO! Lovers!
Please take out with Full Credits, thank you.

Que lindo lo que dice JunHito :) Rezará por Japón~ al igual que todos ^^ Cute Zunooo~!

[Twitter] 110314 Junho's cute Twitter Updates [4-Posts]

Porfavor lean desde el último post al primero ^^

일본말로 글을 쓸수가 없어서.ㅜㅜ한글로 써도 알아 봐주실 분들 많이 계실꺼에요!!ㅎ 지금 일본이 계속 힘든일이 생겨서 많은 분들이 걱정도 많이되고 속상하실꺼같아요 빠른 시일 내에 다시 행복하게 웃을 수 있는 날이 왔으면 좋겠습니다 힘내세요!!

"No puedo escribir ningún mensaje en japonés TT. Entonces lo escribí en koreano y espero que lo puedan entender! Heh~ Ahora, Japón está muy cansado, mucha gente está preocupada y molesta. Sería bueno si todo vuelve a la normalidad rápido, así la gente puede ser feliz y sonreír de nuevo. Fighting!"
"I can not write any message in Japanese. TT Then I write it in Korean and (hope)many people can understand it! Heh~ Now, Japan is very tired (according to the disaster) so many people are worried and upset. It is good if everything becomes normal quickly so people can be happy and smile again. Fighting!!"

(Posted at 13:42 KST via iPhone)
순수하신분들만 사탕으로 보였을꺼에요^^ㅋㅋㅋ 사탕 못 받으신분들 힘내시고 웃으세요!! 더 큰행복이 곧 올겁니다!!^^

"Les mostraré los dulces sólo a las personas que son inocentes^^ kekeke~ Incluso si no puedo mandárselo a todos, pero espero que todos puedan animarse y sonreír!! Más felicidad vendrá!! ^^"
"I will show the candy to the people who are innocent only^^ kekeke~ Even if I can not sent it to everyone but I hope everyone will be cheering up and smile!! More happiness will come!!^^"

(Posted at 13:27 KST via iPhone)
사탕못받으신분들~이렇게나마 드립니다. 사탕이라고 상상해주세요^^ㅎ
 "Todos los que no recibieron un dulce~ Porfavor imaginen que eso (lo que está en la foto) es un dulce.^^ Heh"

"Everyone who does not receive a candy~ Please imagine that (what is in the photo) is candy. ^^ Heh~"

(Posted at 13:20 KST via iPhone)
오늘은 화이트데이네요~사탕은많이받으셨나요?^^행복한화이트데이 되세요!ㅎ

"Hoy es el Día Blanco~ Han recibido muchos dulces?^^ Porfavor sean felices en el Día Blanco! heh~"
"Today is White Day~ Have you received many candies?^^ Please be happy in White Day! Heh~"

(Posted at 12:39 KST via iPhone)
Source: Kim Junho’s Twitter [@iamzunoya]
Translated by Jake@iCassieFamily
Shared and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
Please take out with Full Credits, thank you.

[Twitter] 110328 Junho’s Weibo Updates [2-Posts]

xie xie pu tao men 

"Gracias grape (s) /Fan Club de ZUNO: grapes"
"thank you grape(s)"
@黄蔷–HQ: (Birthday cake’s emoticon)
@ZUNO江湖:【Primer Aniversario】@金俊浩/JinJunHao El próximo 2do aniversario, 3er Aniversario y 4to Aniversario………Nosotros prometamos alcanzar el futuro juntos! Imagen del debut de JunHo de su primer aniversario para sus fans.  Aquí para la traducción china→[TRANS,Video]
@ZUNO江湖:【一周年】@金俊浩 未来的两周年 三周年 到十周年………我们承诺一起去看未来的样子! 金俊浩出道一周年送给歌迷的影像。翻译请见→ [TRANS,Video]
@ZUNO江湖:【First Anniversary】@金俊浩/JinJunHao The next 2nd Anniversary, 3rd Anniversary and 4th Anniversary……… We promised to reached the future together! Jin Junhao’s debut First Anniversary’s image for fans. Refer here for (chinese) translation→[TRANS,Video]
@ZUNO江湖:【一周年】@金俊浩 未来的两周年 三周年 到十周年………我们承诺一起去看未来的样子! 金俊浩出道一周年送给歌迷的影像。翻译请见→ [TRANS,Video]
(Posted at 23:19 KST via Sina Web)
Da jia hao.Wo chu dao yi zhou nian le. Gan xie da jia yi zhi zhi chi wo^^ wo hen xing fu. Xi wang ni men ye xing fu. Xie xie^^
"Hola a todos. A pasado un año desde que debuté. Gracias a todos por el continuo apoyo^^ Estoy muy feliz. Espero que todos estén felices también. Gracias ^^"
"Hi everyone. It has been a year i debuted. Thank you everyone for the continues support^^ I am very happy. (I) wish everyone of you be happy as well. Thank you^^"
(Posted at 15:50 KST via iPhone)
Source: Kim Junho’s Weibo [@金俊浩]
Translated and Uploaded by 花雪@iZUNOsw/@iCassieFamily
Trans/sp: ZUNO! Lovers!
Please take out with Full Credits, thank you.

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