101109 (El twitteo casi lo mismo en chi/kr)
Good morning 좋은아침 zao shang hao 오하요-고자이마스^^아침은 아니군..뭐 어쨌든^^
Good morning 좋은아침 早上好 おはようございます^^ It's not morning.. but whatever^^
"Buenos días, no es de mañana pero... lo que sea"
*Dijo "Buenos Dias en 4 idiomas*
Wo zui jin jian fei~suo yi chi hen xiaoㅜㅜ
我最近减肥~ 所以吃很少ㅜㅜ
"Actualmente he estado tratando de perder peso~ Así que he estado comiendo poco ㅜㅜ"
"Been trying to lose wait lately~ So i'm eating very littleㅜㅜ"
T/N: El se equivocó en "xiao" es "shiao" He mispelled 'shao' as 'xiao'
Zhong guo ge mi hen duo~wow!! Wo bu zhi dao le^^ hen kai xin!!
中国歌迷很多~wow!! 我不知道^^ 很开心!!
"Muchas fans de China~wow!! No lo sabía^^ Muy feliz! "
"Alot of fans from China~wow!! I didn't know^^ Very happy!!"
Wo juede Zai zhong guo tianqi benlai hen nuanhuo,turan bian leng le.ㅜㅜ
"Siempre pensé que el clima era caluroso en China, pero ahora se ha tornado frío de repente. ㅜㅜ"
"I always thought that the weather's warm in China, but it turned cold suddenly.ㅜㅜ"
T/N: El se equivocó en "nuanhuo" es "nuanhe"
He mispelled 'nuanhe' as 'nuanhuo'
Wo qu yun dong^^ 전 운동갑니다!!
"Voy a ejercitarme!! "
"I'm going to exercise!!"
방금운동 끝났다^^힘들어죽겠다 ㅎㅎ wo gang gang yun dong jie shu le~lei si le...kk
"Acabo de terminar de ejercitarme^^ Es tan agotardor, me muero...kk "
"Just finished exercising^^ It's so tiring I'm dying hehe "
나의 저녁밥^^wo de wan fan~ http://yfrog.com/ghlpdj
"Mi cena^^ "
"My dinner^^"
태국행사때 닉쿤형님과 인터뷰~형님도 엄청잘생기셨다^^ http://yfrog.com/4x6sdwj
En la entrevista con el hermano mayor de Nichkhun en el evento Tailandés~ Él es muy atractivo^^
At an interview with Nichkhun's older brother at a Thailand event~ He is also really handsome^^
닉쿤이아니라 닉쿤 친형님이에요~오해마시길^^ta bu shi nichkhun~shi nichkhun de gege~^^
他不是Nichkhun~ 是Nichkhun的哥哥~^^
"El no es Nichkhun, pero es el hermano mayor de Nichkhun~Por favor no lo malentiendan^^"
It's not Nichkhun but Nichkhun's older brother~ Please don't misunderstand^^ "
Zai taiguo de zhaopian~okok??^^
"Una foto tomada en Tailandia~okok??^^"
"A photo taken in Thailand~okok??^^"
Wo xian zai zai beijing~bu zai taiguo~zhe ge shi yi qian de zhao pian~저는 지금 태국이아니라 베이징에있습니다 이건 예전 사진이에요^^
我现在在北京~不在泰国~ 这个是以前的照片~
"No estoy en Tailandia ahora, en la actualidad estoy en Beijin, era una foto que me tomé la ultima vez"
"I'm not in Thailand now but am currently in Beijing this was a photo taken last time^^"
Wo xian shuijiao~tianqi zhende leng le~zhuyi shenti~wan an^^저먼저 잘께요~날씨가 추워졌어요 몸조심하시고 잘자요^^
Me iré a dormir primero~ El clima está frío así que cuiden su cuerpo buenas noches^^
I'll go sleep first~ The weather is cold so take care of your body goodnight^^
Credits: zuno's twitter
Translated to english: SHARMAINE!@ZunoSyndrome
Translated to spanish: ZUNO! Lovers!